Results for 'Bonnie K. Nastasi'

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  1.  16
    Interactions between abusing mothers and their children in two situations.Bonnie K. Nastasi & Suzanne D. Hill - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (2):79-81.
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    Foundations of the theory of evidence: Resolving conflict among schemata.Bonnie K. Ray & David H. Krantz - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (3):215-234.
    Schematic conflict occurs when evidence is interpreted in different ways (for example, by different people, who have learned to approach the given evidence with different schemata). Such conflicts are resolved either by weighting some schemata more heavily than others, or by finding common-ground inferences for several schemata, or by a combination of these two processes. Belief functions, interpreted as representations of evidence strength, provide a natural model for weighting schemata, and can be utilized in several distinct ways to compute common-ground (...)
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    Enrollment of Education Majors at Public, Not-For-Profit, and For-Profit Postsecondary Institutions: An Empirical Analysis.Bonnie K. Fox Garrity - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (6):522-539.
    (2013). Enrollment of Education Majors at Public, Not-For-Profit, and For-Profit Postsecondary Institutions: An Empirical Analysis. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 522-539.
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    A qualitative examination of changing practice in Canadian neonatal intensive care units.Bonnie Stevens, Shoo K. Lee, Madelyn P. Law & Janet Yamada - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):287-294.
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    Legal Authority to Preserve Organs in Cases of Uncontrolled Cardiac Death: Preserving Family Choice.Richard J. Bonnie, Stephanie Wright & Kelly K. Dineen - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (4):741-751.
    In this paper, we assume that organ donation policy in the United States will continue to be based on an opt-in model, requiring express consent to donate, and that families will continue to have the prerogative to make donation decisions whenever the deceased person has not recorded his or her own preferences in advance. The limited question addressed here is what should be done when a potential donor dies unexpectedly, without any recorded expression of his or her wishes at hand, (...)
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  6. A brief history of population control and contraception.Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough, M. J. Alhabeeb, R. Barlow, A. Sen, S. Begley, M. Hager, V. Chen, G. Piel & K. O. Emery - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (2):16-22.
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    Elements of Discourse Understanding.Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber & Ivan A. Sag (eds.) - 1981 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The questions of how human beings produce and comprehend language continue to engage a variety of researchers and scholars, and it is becoming increasingly clear that only interdisciplinary approaches will yield productive answers. This complex issue of discourse processing is the subject of this volume, and the contributors address it from the varying perspectives of cognitive psychology linguistics, and computer science. The chapters provide a fascinating overview of emerging theories in the new discipline of cognitive science. A useful introductory chapter (...)
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    How Informed Is Online Informed Consent?Connie K. Varnhagen, Matthew Gushta, Jason Daniels, Tara C. Peters, Neil Parmar, Danielle Law, Rachel Hirsch, Bonnie Sadler Takach & Tom Johnson - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):37-48.
    We examined participants' reading and recall of informed consent documents presented via paper or computer. Within each presentation medium, we presented the document as a continuous or paginated document to simulate common computer and paper presentation formats. Participants took slightly longer to read paginated and computer informed consent documents and recalled slightly more information from the paginated documents. We concluded that obtaining informed consent online is not substantially different than obtaining it via paper presentation. We also provide suggestions for improving (...)
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  9. Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Frances P. Lawrenz, Charles A. Nelson, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Mildred K. Cho, Ellen Wright Clayton, Joel G. Fletcher, Michael K. Georgieff, Dale Hammerschmidt, Kathy Hudson, Judy Illes, Vivek Kapur, Moira A. Keane, Barbara A. Koenig, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Elizabeth G. McFarland, Jordan Paradise, Lisa S. Parker, Sharon F. Terry, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):219-248.
    No consensus yet exists on how to handle incidental fnd-ings in human subjects research. Yet empirical studies document IFs in a wide range of research studies, where IFs are fndings beyond the aims of the study that are of potential health or reproductive importance to the individual research participant. This paper reports recommendations of a two-year project group funded by NIH to study how to manage IFs in genetic and genomic research, as well as imaging research. We conclude that researchers (...)
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  10. Contextual Factors Affecting Risky Decision Making: The Influence of Music on Task Performance and Perceived Distraction.Melissa T. Buelow, Melissa K. Jungers, Cora Parks & Bonnie Rinato - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous research has investigated factors that contribute to the development of different risk-taking behaviors, such as can occur on lab-based behavioral risky decision making tasks. On several of the most common tasks, participants must develop an adequate understanding of the relative risks and benefits associated with each decision in order to learn to decide advantageously. However, contextual factors can affect the decision making process and one’s ability to weigh the risks and benefits of a decision. The present study investigates the (...)
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    The “Agonistic Turn”: Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics in New Contexts.Lida Maxwell, Cristina Beltrán, Shatema Threadcraft, Stephen K. White, Miriam Leonard & Bonnie Honig - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):640-672.
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    Repetition of Computer Security Warnings Results in Differential Repetition Suppression Effects as Revealed With Functional MRI.C. Brock Kirwan, Daniel K. Bjornn, Bonnie Brinton Anderson, Anthony Vance, David Eargle & Jeffrey L. Jenkins - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Computer users are often the last line of defense in computer security. However, with repeated exposures to system messages and computer security warnings, neural and behavioral responses show evidence of habituation. Habituation has been demonstrated at a neural level as repetition suppression where responses are attenuated with subsequent repetitions. In the brain, repetition suppression to visual stimuli has been demonstrated in multiple cortical areas, including the occipital lobe and medial temporal lobe. Prior research into the repetition suppression effect has generally (...)
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    A Theory of Bioethics David DeGrazia and Joseph Millum, Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 316 pp. ISBN 9781009011747. $24.99. [REVIEW]Bonnie Steinbock - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (4):476-477.
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    Otávio Bueno, Ruey-Lin Chen, & Melinda Bonnie Fagan , Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practice, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018, x + 308 pp. [REVIEW]Alison K. McConwell - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (1):1-4.
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    Agonism, Democracy, and the Moral Equality of Voice.Stephen K. White - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (1):59-85.
    Agonism emerged three decades ago as an assault on the overemphasis in political theory on justice and consensus. It has now become the norm. But its character and relation to core values of democracy are not as unproblematic today as is often thought, an issue that becomes more pressing as contemporary politics increasingly seem locked into notions of unrelenting conflict between “friends” and “enemies.” This essay traces alternative ontological roots and ethical implications of agonism, distinguishing between “imperializing” and “tempered” modes. (...)
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    Beyond Cheering and Bashing: New Perspectives on the Closing of the American Mind.William K. Buckley & James Seaton - 1992 - Popular Press.
    The debate over the central issue confronted in Closing--the role of the university and the liberal arts in the United States--has become increasingly urgent and contentious. The goal of this collection of essays is to consider what we can learn about the dilemmas confronting American culture through a consideration of both The Closing of the American Mind and the debate it has aroused. The contributors differ among themselves as to the validity of both the diagnoses and the solutions Bloom offers, (...)
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  17. Definite reference and mutual knowledge In Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, and Ivan A. Sag, editors.Herbert H. Clark & Catherine R. Marshall - 1981 - In Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber & Ivan A. Sag, Elements of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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    On Arcs, Arrows, and Eating with One’s Hands as if There’s No Tomorrow: Some Notes on Bonnie Honig’s A Feminist Theory of Refusal.Liesbeth Schoonheim - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):5-10.
    In this essay, I explore some key notions in Bonnie Honig's A Feminist Theory of Refusal. Juxtaposing her speculative reading of Euripides' Bacchae to Ursula K Le Guin's essay on the 'Carrier Bag Theory of Storytelling,' I argue that the women in the tragedy can be considered neither as imitating masculine, violent hunter-heroes, nor as surreptiously embodying feminine, caring gatherer-mothers. Following their refusal to care and to think about tomorrow, I conclude by suggesting that a critical fabulation of the (...)
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  19. Advance Directives, Dementia, and Physician-Assisted Death.Paul T. Menzel & Bonnie Steinbock - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (2):484-500.
    Almost all jurisdictions where physician-assisted death is legal require that the requesting individual be competent to make medical decisions at time of assistance. The requirement of contemporary competence is intended to ensure that PAD is limited to people who really want to die and have the cognitive ability to make a final choice of such enormous import. Along with terminal illness, defined as prognosis of death within six months, contemporary competence is regarded as an important safeguard against mistake and abuse, (...)
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    The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition.David Campbell & Morton Schoolman (eds.) - 2008 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    William Connolly, one of the best-known and most important political theorists writing today, is a principal architect of the “new pluralism.” In this volume, leading thinkers in contemporary political theory and international relations provide a comprehensive investigation of the new pluralism, Connolly’s contributions to it, and its influence on the fields of political theory and international relations. Together they trace the evolution of Connolly’s ideas, illuminating his challenges to the “old,” conventional pluralist theory that dominated American and British political science (...)
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    The new modernist studies reader: an anthology of essential criticism.Sean Latham & Gayle Rogers (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Bringing together 20 foundational texts in contemporary modernist criticism in one accessible volume, this book explores the debates that have transformed the field of modernist studies at the turn of the millennium and into the 21st century. The New Modernist Studies Reader features chapters covering the major topics central to the study of modernism today, including: Feminism, gender and sexuality; Empire and race; Print and media cultures; Historical and geographical debates. Each text includes an introductory summary of its historical and (...)
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  22. Kol sifre ha-Magid mi-Sḳolḳa.Ḳalman Ḥayim ben Pinḥas Yosef - 2015 - [Lakewood, N.J.]: Machon Mishnas Rebbi Aaron. Edited by Ḳalman Ḥayim ben Pinḥas Yosef & Asher ben Jehiel.
    Sefer Ḳol min ḥayim -- Sefer Ḳol rinah ṿi-yeshuʻah -- Sefer Orḥot ḥayim ʻim perush Netiv ḥayim -- Sefer Zikhron ʻolam -- Maʼamar Zikhron Yerushalayim.
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  23. Bereavement and the meaning of profound feelings of emptiness : an existential-phenomenological analysis.Allan Køster - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini, Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Selected Bibliography of Studies of Hsi K'ang and the Thought of the Times.Robert G. Henricks & His K'ang - 1983 - In His K'ang & Robert G. Henricks, Philosophy and Argumentation in Third-Century China: The Essays of Hsi K'ang. Princeton University Press. pp. 201-202.
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  25. Editors' Introduction to Writing against Heterosexism.Joan Callahan, Bonnie Mann & Sara Ruddick - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (1).
    For many of us, entry into motherhood involves an ambiguous visibility and intelligibility, where our acceptance into mainstream spaces as mothers entails a loss of lesbian difference. Mann explores this loss using the work of two philosophers of lesbian difference, Monique Wittig and Judith Butler. She argues that the figure of the lesbian mother is deployed on a broad cultural scale to reinvigorate and renaturaUze the myth of the happy, natural, heterosexual mother.
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  26. Inʼgan kwa segye e taehan chʻŏrhakchŏk ihae: Kim Hyŏng-sŏk Kyosu hwagap kinyŏm nonmunjip.Hyŏng-sŏk Kim (ed.) - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Samjungdang.
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  27. Notes on phenomenology and revolution.Michal Lipták - 2020 - In Peter Šajda, Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi.
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    al-Falsafah al-Ighrīqīyah: min al-safasṭāʼīyīn ilá al-Suqrāṭīyīn.Mahdī bin al-Ḥājj Mabrūk - 2021 - Tūnis: al-Dār al-Tūnisīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    Callimachu, A.P. xii. 43 ( Ep. 28 Pf., II G.-P.).K. J. McKay - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (02):143-.
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    Radiolytic purification of CaO by electron beams.K. A. Mkhoyan, J. Silcox, M. A. Mcguire & F. J. Disalvo - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2907-2917.
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    The Culex’s Metapoetic Funerary Garden.K. Sara Myers - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):749-755.
    TheCulexis now widely recognized as a piece of post-Ovidian, possibly Tiberian, pseudo-juvenilia written by an author impersonating the young Virgil, although it was attached to Virgil's name already in the first centuryc.e., being identified as Virgilian by Statius, Suetonius and Martial. Dedicated to the young Octavian (Octauiin line 1), the poem seems to fill a biographical gap in Virgil's career before his composition of theEclogues. It is introduced as aludus, which Irene Peirano suggests may openly refer to ‘the act of (...)
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    The vestige of many-body dynamics in relaxation of glass-forming substances and other interacting systems.K. L. Ngai - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):357-370.
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  33. Ideological mystification and archimedean points.K. Nielsen - 1979 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 33 (130):848-852.
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    16. Frontinus.K. Nipperdey - 1851 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 6 (1-4):378-380.
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  35. Thinking, like child's play, is serious business: an inaugural lecture, 19 May 2005.K. E. O. Nkanginieme - 2005 - Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press.
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    The Dead Philosophers' Cafʹe: An Exchange of Letters for Children and Adults.K. Nora & Vittorio Hösle - 2000
    A series of letters between a professor of philosophy and an eleven-year-old girl.
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  37. Ants Are Not Conscious.K. Russell - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1.
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  38. Hannah Arendt’s Heideggerian Aristotelianism.K. Knight - 2008 - Topos 19 (2).
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  39. ha-Tsava ka-halakhah: hilkhot milḥamah ṿe-tsava.Yitsḥaḳ ben Yosef Ḳofman - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Ḳol mevaśer.
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  40. Essay o vědě a víře.J. B. Kozák - 1924 - V Praze,: Nákl. G. Voleského.
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  41. Toward a rational history of medical science.C. K. - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (3):493-502.
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  42. Prot︠s︡essy i pribory.K. Kudu, I︠A︡ Reĭnet, O. Saks & A. Khalʹi︠a︡ste (eds.) - 1977 - Tartu: Taruskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  43. Hermeneutik und die Interpretation der Logos-Idee.K. Kuypers - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (111/112):52-77.
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  44. Wozu Künstliche Intelligenz? (Conceptus-Studien 5).K. Leidlmair & O. Neumaier (eds.) - 1988 - VWGÖ.
  45. Nature and Spirit Ullrich Melle.K. U. Leuven - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree, Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 24--15.
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    XIV. Xenophons Hieron und Demetrios von Phaleron.K. Lincke - 1899 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 58 (1-4):224-251.
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  47. A Proposal for Warning People about the Risks Associated with Taking the Graduate Record Examination.K. Oldfield - 1997 - Journal of Thought 32:37-42.
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  48. Fundamental characteristics of socialist national relations.K. Pomaizl - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (5):611-625.
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    Cognitive psychology.K. Prazdny - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 14 (1):110-112.
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    A Clustering Technique Using Dynamic Filtering Concepts and its Application to Computer Workload Modeling.K. I. Shihab & H. A. Ramadhan - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (4):321-344.
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